Urban Farm Updates | The Green Heart Project | Page 5

BlogUrban Farm Updates

Plans continue for the Urban Farm at Enston Home

Plans continue for the Urban Farm at Enston Home

Plans continue for the Urban Farm at Enston Home, even in the midst of quarantine. We have been working diligently with our Urban Farm Build Partners Charleston Housing Authority, SeamonWhiteside, James White Construction, and Yellowstone Landscape to define a construction plan that adheres to COVID- 19 safety protocol.  Meanwhile, our staff is in the midst of job interviews with 42 […]

Piloting STEM Education at the Urban Farm at Enston Home

Piloting STEM Education at the Urban Farm at  Enston Home

Thanks to sponsorship from The Boeing Company, The Green Heart Project has made great progress in engaging three new partner schools at its new ½ acre Urban Farm at Enston Home site. Throughout the 2019-2020 school year, The Green Heart Project has fostered relationships and actively engaged with our three new Urban Farm partner schools: […]

We’re In This Together

We’re In This Together

Alongside the rest of our community, COVID-19 has brought a drastic change to Green Heart’s day-to-day operations. With programs, events and normal office life put on hold, we’re adapting to the circumstances and working hard to find new ways to educate students, connect people and cultivate community, while keeping our staff, students and community members healthy and safe. Our gardens & […]

Feb 2020 – Summary on Progress at the Urban Farm at Enston Home

Feb 2020 – Summary on Progress at the Urban Farm at Enston Home

These two recent news stories do a great job of summarizing the Urban Farm at Enston Home project:  what it is; why we are building it; and what it will provide. Enjoy! #ComingSoon: The Urban Farm at Enston Home (CHS Today) Picture this: an entire farm centrally located in the heart of downtown Charleston. With the creation […]

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On February 17, 2020
In Urban Farm Updates

The Green Heart Project is Recruiting Youth Interns!

The Green Heart Project is Recruiting Youth Interns!

This month, we are thrilled to open applications for a paid summer internship program for high school students! Read more in story below. The Green Heart Project unveils new Youth Internship Program to help teens develop workplace and life skills (Lowcountry Biz SC) A key pillar of the Urban Farm project is the creation of […]

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On January 19, 2020
In Urban Farm Updates