Urban Farm Updates | The Green Heart Project | Page 6

BlogUrban Farm Updates

The Farm Stand Will Provide a Healthy Food Access Point in the Upper Peninsula

The Farm Stand Will Provide a Healthy Food Access Point in the Upper Peninsula

We had the privilege of working with the Clemson University School of Architecture’s CommunityBUILD program to build our first structure at the Urban Farm at Enston Home – the Farm Stand. The Farm Stand will provide a much-needed access point for fresh fruits and vegetables in the Upper Peninsula. Read more about our collaboration in […]

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On December 18, 2019
In Urban Farm Updates

Announcing the campaign to build The Urban Farm at Enston Home

Announcing the campaign to build The Urban Farm at Enston Home

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a project that we have been working on for the past 3 years: the Urban Farm at Enston Home. We are building a community asset for the Charleston area, right in the heart of Downtown. We invite the community to join us by investing in a healthy […]

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On November 29, 2019
In Urban Farm Updates

Urban Garden Party – Launching the Urban Farm Campaign

Urban Garden Party – Launching the Urban Farm Campaign

You’re invited to an Urban Garden Party! On Wednesday October 16th, 2019 we celebrated the launch of our Urban Farm and community asset on Charleston’s upper peninsula, the Urban Farm at Enston Home. Learn more about our biggest project yet and enjoy a good time with community partners and friends! This event marked a milestone […]

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On October 3, 2019
In Urban Farm Updates