Blog | The Green Heart Project | Page 12

BlogPage 12


* This post is part of a series on the valuable character traits our students practice in the garden. An elder friend of mine once told me that planting a garden is one of the most hopeful things we can do in life. We have no idea how the weather will turn, or what type […]

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On December 20, 2018
In Uncategorized

Practicing GRATITUDE

Practicing Green Heart Gratitude   In their Green Heart gardens, our students learn to grow, harvest, prepare, and eat fruits and vegetables. Acquiring these “hard skills” is important, as it helps to build confidence, knowledge, and awareness around their own health and the health of the environment. At the same time, our students are learning […]

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On November 19, 2018
In Uncategorized

Dig In! It’s Sweet Potato Season

Sweet. Potatoes. The famed crop of the Green Heart Project gardens! Sweet, savory, creamy — delicious — any way you slice ’em. Follow the journey of this native tuber all the way from the farm to the bellies of our Green Heart Buddies. Back in May, our programs and garden teams planted sweet potato slips […]

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On October 16, 2018
In Uncategorized

Our FY2018 Annual Report is here!

Since the close of our FY2018 fiscal year in at the end of July, we have been working hard to complete our FY2018 Annual Report. Now, we are very happy to announce it is here and ready to share with all of our supporters, and with the general public. You can find our Annual Report […]

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On September 6, 2018
In Uncategorized

We’re Sowing Seeds of Change at the Green Heart Project

We’re Sowing Seeds of Change at the Green Heart Project

July 20, 2018 CHARLESTON, S.C. –  As the organization approaches its ninth year serving the community through farm-to-school programming, The Green Heart Project prepares for the next chapter of its history under new leadership.  After eight years of service as the Executive Director of the Green Heart Project, Drew Harrison has stepped down from his […]

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On July 20, 2018
In Announcements