Blog | The Green Heart Project | Page 13

BlogPage 13

Green Heart’s Going Back to School!

Green Heart’s Going Back to School!

The Back-to-School Fundraiser   We’re taking a short break from our farm-to-table blog series, to highlight the Green Heart Project Back-to-School Fundraiser & Launch Party! Last Wednesday night, our staff, volunteers, board members and supporters gathered on Sullivan’s Island (thanks, Jerry!) for an evening of reflection and goal setting. Everyone enjoyed food and beverages from […]

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On September 1, 2017
In Uncategorized

Traveling Basil Arrives at Butcher & Bee (Part 4)

Traveling Basil Arrives at Butcher & Bee (Part 4)

This past week, our Green Heart-grown basil showed its versatility at two more restaurants: Persimmon Cafe and Butcher & Bee. Persimmon utilized our sweet basil, while Butcher & Bee added a splash of color with our purple basil. Persimmon incorporated our sweet basil into two of its signature dishes: basil limeade and the zucchini special. […]

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On August 18, 2017
In Sponsors

Traveling Basil Arrives at Huriyali (Part 3)

Traveling Basil Arrives at Huriyali (Part 3)

For the third installment of our traveling basil series, we are heading to one of our long time community sponsors, Huriyali Gardens. Huriyali brings fresh, local, and organic bites to Charleston’s North Central neighborhood. They are mostly known for their cold pressed juices and acai bowls, but they also have savory bites. Our Mitchell Elementary […]

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On August 11, 2017
In Uncategorized

Traveling Basil Arrives at The Harbinger Cafe (Part 2)

Traveling Basil Arrives at The Harbinger Cafe (Part 2)

For the second installment in our Traveling Basil series, we will follow our bountiful Green Heart basil harvest to its first stop at The Harbinger Cafe. The Harbinger is located across the street from the Green Heart Project headquarters on Upper King (hey, neighbor) and has a wide variety of both savory and sweet tasty […]

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On August 7, 2017
In Cooking, Sponsors

Traveling Basil (Part 1)

Traveling Basil (Part 1)

One of the best things about Charleston is its sense of community. This is particularly true in the “foodie” community, among the people who grow, prepare, serve and of course, eat the delicious food that our city has to offer! This is the first post in a multi-part installment, following the journey of one of […]

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On July 28, 2017
In Uncategorized