BlogPage 14
Traveling Basil Arrives at Huriyali (Part 3)
For the third installment of our traveling basil series, we are heading to one of our long time community sponsors, Huriyali Gardens. Huriyali brings fresh, local, and organic bites to Charleston’s North Central neighborhood. They are mostly known for their cold pressed juices and acai bowls, but they also have savory bites. Our Mitchell Elementary […]
Traveling Basil Arrives at The Harbinger Cafe (Part 2)
For the second installment in our Traveling Basil series, we will follow our bountiful Green Heart basil harvest to its first stop at The Harbinger Cafe. The Harbinger is located across the street from the Green Heart Project headquarters on Upper King (hey, neighbor) and has a wide variety of both savory and sweet tasty […]
Traveling Basil (Part 1)
One of the best things about Charleston is its sense of community. This is particularly true in the “foodie” community, among the people who grow, prepare, serve and of course, eat the delicious food that our city has to offer! This is the first post in a multi-part installment, following the journey of one of […]
Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette
What to do with a massive harvest of butternut squash in July? Make a summer salad of course! Thanks to our “Three Sisters” garden lessons that took place at Mitchell Elementary this Spring, we ended up with over 50 pounds of this versatile veggie. The Three Sisters lesson teaches the importance of intercropping, using Squash, […]
Lauren Cox: 10 Things I Learned in 1 Week with the Green Heart Project
We were thrilled that Ashley Hall High School junior, Lauren Cox, chose the Green Heart Project through the Ashely Hall Junior Internship Program. The internship program was launched in 2006 in order to give Ashley Hall students the opportunity to discover their career interests, refine their college plans, and develop their interpersonal skills in new […]