Square Foot Gardening
TODAY’S LESSON– Square Foot Gardening
LESSON CONTENT- In today’s lesson, we will join Garden Educator Allie, Executive Director Jesse and his two kids Miriam and Moses to learn about a helpful gardening technique called “square foot gardening.”
In this lesson, students will:
- Define square foot gardening and understand why it is used by farmers
- Learn the “5 Basic Needs of a Plant”
- Perform calculations to set up a garden using square foot gardening
- Identify the different spacing needs of plants
- Calculate the amount of plants that can grow per square foot of garden space
- Develop and design their own garden map using the square foot gardening method
MATERIALS- For this lesson, you will need:
- A device to watch the instructional video
If you have a physical garden:
- Pen/pencil and piece of paper
- Measuring tape
- Seeds or plant starts
- Water (for after you plant!)
- Twine or string (optional)
If you are planning a future garden:
- A pen/pencil
- A piece of paper or a journal
Time to get gardening!
Posted by Amanda Howell
On April 17, 2020
In Education, Green Heart at Home, School Gardens
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