Digging in at the Urban Farm at Enston Home
June 2020 – Build Updates From the Farm

We have officially broken ground on the Urban Farm at Enston Home and construction crews are moving in to prepare the site for this 1/2 acre production farm, which is set to be completed by mid-summer. Many thanks to our partners at SeamonWhiteside (SW+) for their years of assistance with designing and planning to get us to this point.

The first week of June was a big one for us as our build team, led by SW+, James White Construction, and Yellowstone Landscape dug into the work of site preparation. First up, Yellowstone Landscape and Rainbow Treecare Scientific came out to support the health of the old growth trees on the historic Enston Home property, ensuring their resilience and health throughout the upcoming land disturbances and construction. The team fed the trees to increase root growth, and treated them to protect from dangerous insects and disease.

Next, James White Construction broke ground on site, installing electrical conduits to support a perimeter of light posts and laying the groundwork for future electrical needs on site — like getting power to our Greenhouse, Outdoor Pavilion and Farm Stand! This week, crews from James White having been diligently working through bouts of rain to level and grade the farm site with heavy machinery. They’ve taken the former grassy plot and turned in into a leveled site with the proper slope and drainage needed for the 65 raised garden beds, to be built by Green Heart staff and community volunteer labor in just over one week. We’re so excited to have this project finally ** under construction** and hope you’ll stay tuned for more build updates “from the farm!”

Posted by Amanda Howell
On June 12, 2020
In Announcements, Press, Urban Farm Updates
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