Back to the Garden!

School is back in session, and you know what that means… students are back in the garden! The start of a new academic year brings fresh opportunities for hands-on learning, and we are preparing our gardens to bloom with young minds eager to grow. Are you curious about just how many active gardens we have or wondering what our Farm to School programs entail? Lettuce dig in and explore the roots of what makes The Green Heart Project thrive.
Here at The Green Heart Project, we’re proud to partner with 18 schools throughout the Charleston area, creating a vibrant network of gardens that serve as living classrooms. Without getting too in the weeds, let’s take a closer look at these partnerships and the impact they’re having on students across the Lowcountry.
Our presence is felt in schools like Charleston Catholic School, James Simons School, Meeting Street Academy, Mitchell Elementary, Sullivan’s Island Elementary, and 13 other schools throughout the region. In each of these schools, the garden is more than just a plot of land—it’s an integrated part of the curriculum, where students get hands-on experience in everything from planting seeds to harvesting crops. Whether they’re caring for seedlings or preparing the fruits of their labor in an outdoor kitchen, students are engaging in the deepest form of learning—getting to the root of where their food comes from and how it’s grown.
But the lessons don’t stop at the garden gate. By exposing these bright minds to a variety of academic and career paths, we’re guiding and supporting them as they take on the responsibility of nurturing a garden. These experiences teach them valuable life skills that extend far beyond the classroom, from teamwork and problem-solving to patience and perseverance. It’s about more than just growing plants—it’s about growing future leaders, thinkers, and doers.
And the excitement doesn’t end there! We’re thrilled to announce that we have an additional garden on the horizon. This new garden, located in Singleton Park, is set to become our latest outdoor classroom. Check out the photos below to see the early stages of this exciting project, and stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to its bountiful debut! Interested in learning more? Check out the buzz around town here.

Posted by Jesse Blom
On September 18, 2024
In Uncategorized
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