Amanda Howell | The Green Heart Project | Page 9

BlogPosts by Amanda Howell

Working Together Across Difference

?? This Spring has already been groundbreaking for our Green Heart programs! ?? During the first week in April, we did something new. We brought two of our programs, our Mitchell Elementary and Sullivan’s Island Elementary STEM programs, together for a work day at the Mitchell urban farm. Third graders from both schools came together […]

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On April 19, 2019
In Uncategorized

Dig In! It’s Sweet Potato Season

Sweet. Potatoes. The famed crop of the Green Heart Project gardens! Sweet, savory, creamy — delicious — any way you slice ’em. Follow the journey of this native tuber all the way from the farm to the bellies of our Green Heart Buddies. Back in May, our programs and garden teams planted sweet potato slips […]

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On October 16, 2018
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