BlogPosts by Amanda Howell
First Planting of the Urban Farm at Enston Home – COME GROW WITH US!

The Green Heart Project closed out an epic summer with the completion of 62 raised garden beds at the Urban Farm at Enston Home in late August. By mid-September we planted our first Fall crops, with the help of many of the community members who made this project possible. We planted cold-hardy crops such as […]
Partnership Highlight: Pinnacle Financial Partners

Earlier this summer, Pinnacle Financial Partners partnered with our inaugural paid Youth Internship Program as the 2020 Career Preparedness Sponsor. The Career Preparedness pillar includes hands-on, work-based learning for Youth Interns in the business of managing food production and sales at the Urban Farm at Enston Home in Downtown Charleston. The curriculum also includes educational sessions on workplace […]
Youth Internship Program- Week 8: Final Reflections on Empathy & Optimism

The final week of the inaugural Youth Internship Program is behind us and it feels like just yesterday that our youth interns and Crew Leaders were arriving for their first day. Looking back to Day 1 and reflecting on the learning, growth and friendships that have flourished since then, it’s safe to say that this […]
Posted by Amanda Howell
On August 10, 2020
In Announcements, Education, Urban Farm Updates
Youth Internship Program- Week 7: Reflections on Courage

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill Faced with challenges of quickly-changing schedules, torrential downpours, blazing hot temperatures, and new lesson content, our interns practiced both grit and courage to take these challenges head on and continue to grow minds, gardens and […]
Youth Internship Program- Week 6: Reflections on Grit

Week 6 of the Youth Internship Program is now behind us and yet again the week was filled with new learning, hard work, HOT temperatures☀️and lots of GRIT, which was also our theme of the week. Interns participated in lessons on food systems, pickling, professional communication, and smart shopping, while also being visited by special […]